Even after a century and a half, the name Arnold Schönberg still inspires fear in some people. The festival Aimez-vous Schönberg celebrates his jubilee year and will probably help you break free of that phobia.

Because although we generally associate the man with his sometimes somewhat calculated twelve-tone technique, there is a wealth of repertoire that is rarely heard because the dodecaphony hangs over Arnold’s head like the sword of Damocles.

It turns out that the younger Arnold could just as easily look over his shoulder romantically or be inspired by the art movements around him. This weekend with Pierrot lunaire and Verklärte Nacht is all about his connection with symbolism… and therefore with Claude Debussy, too.


Arnold Schönberg
Kammersymphonie Nr. 1, Op. 9b

Claude Debussy
Nocturnes, L. 91

Arnold Schönberg
Verklärte Nacht, Op. 4 (version 1943)


with the support of Beside Tax Shelter and the Belgian Tax Shelter

concert part of Flagey : Aimez-Vous Schönberg ?

This year, Flagey celebrates the 150th anniversary of Arnold Schönberg with a weekend filled with exceptional concerts and artists. Schönberg was a musical visionary who captured the unique spirit of his era. Rooted in Romanticism, his musical ideas continue to be a vital source of inspiration in the 20th-century repertoire.

discover more

programme notes

Immerse yourself in the music with the programme notes by Jasper Croonen.


Schönberg & cinema

Fleeing the Nazi regime, Schönberg found refuge in Los Angeles in the 1930s. Despite this, he never worked for Hollywood, though his oeuvre did inspire several notable soundtracks in the 21st century. Discover these Schönberg-inspired scores with the film selection by film journalist Robin Broos.

film picks

Speech Schönberg

Listen to the so-called "Boiling Water" speech by Arnold Schönberg, in which he explains his personal struggle with his musical instincts.

listen to speech

Schönberg, Pierrot lunaire

"Pierrot lunaire is for a small orchestra and a singer who sings and half-speaks. Based on 21 selected poems from the Belgian Symbolist poet Albert Giraud, Schönberg’s music invites you to a one-of-a-kind experience: sometimes beautiful, sometimes grotesque, and sometimes both at the same time – you might be surprised!" – Kazushi Ono

12.10 at Flagey with the Brussels Philharmonic

Schönberg, the painter

From scores to brushes: we know Arnold Schönberg as a groundbreaking composer, educator, and theorist, but also as a painter.

read more


Read Malte Krasting's article and discover why the performance of Kammersymphonie No. 1 in 1913 is famously known as the scandal concert.



€41 > €5

Heilig Kruisplein, 1050 Brussels

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