On Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 September, the KMSKA will celebrate its reopening with an artistic festival. Performances and festivities will take place on the museum square. The beautifully renovated museum galleries will be bustling with celebratory activities. Because celebrating is an art too.

The Vlaams Radiookoor will bring a fitting musical surprise: together with several soloists from the Brussels Philharmonic, the choir will perform a tribute to James Ensor, one of the stars of the KMSKA's magnificent collection.

👉 find out all about the opening weekend on the website of the KMSKA


Frédéric Devreese
James Ensor Suite

Paul Gilson
La Montagne

Camille Saint-Saëns
Calme des Nuits

Joseph Ryelandt

Jules-Toussaint De Sutter

James Ensor
Marche des Rotariens Ostendais