One of the world's greatest classics. An imposing work that creates a dark velvet universe, instantly grabs at the throat and manages to quiet even the fiercest hard rock fan. A work surrounded by question marks, discussions and secrets. Mozart's Requiem.

Few works have generated a more frenzied exegesis than Mozart's Requiem. Very quickly, it came to be seen as the final prayers of a dying man commending himself to God, struggling on his deathbed to put down on paper as much music as he still could, before being carried off to the afterlife.

To spice up the legend, a whole range of anecdotes of varying veracity and credibility. And there you have it: the swan song of a genius cut short by an untimely death, the ultimate masterpiece, the paragon of all requiems to come, the one we call THE Requiem as we speak of THE Ninth.


Arvo Pärt
Cantus in Memoriam of Benjamin Britten

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Requiem in D minor, KV 626

Hélène Carpentier
Floriane Hasler
mezzo soprano
Jonathan Abernethy
Gerard Farreras

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with the support of Beside Tax Shelter and the Belgian Tax Shelter

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symfomania! DIY

Playing, singing, drawing, listening... and mostly: enjoying Mozart's music! Discover this fun kit for young music loving do-it-yourselfers.

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the requiem

Read all about the history of Mozart's Requiem in this Concert Vienna blog.

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text & translation

Read the requiem texts, translated to Dutch and French.

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€95 > €11

Abbatiale Saint Robert, 43160 La Chaise-Dieu, France

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