Six young people set off with a seedling in their backpack. Looking for a place for the young tree and for themselves. How do they deal with the pressure and responsibility for the future that is already being imposed on them? How do they view the (climate-changing) world in which they are growing up?

At the request of the Ghent connecting company LARF!, filmmaker Bas Van Hoeck and author Maud Vanhauwaert captured their quest beautifully on film. The Vlaams Radiokoor and I SOLISTI provide the soundtrack for their search for answers: to the tones of the Mass in E minor by Anton Bruckner and new music by Frederik Neyrinck. Because where do we look for our meaning today if going to Mass misses the mark?

LARF! brings artists and young people together in all kinds of original ways in Flanders and Brussels. The children and young people are central to the operation: they guide the process. Which means that the creators always start from the themes and questions that are presented to them by the young people


Anton Bruckner
Mass No. 2 in E minor, WAB 27

Frederik Neyrinck
In What We Trust (2024)

film surtitled in NL

Maud Vanhauwaert concept & direction
Bas Van Hoeck camera & video editing
Maarten Buyl sound editing

Fran De Roo, Maya Mavanga, César De Knijf, Damiaan Foncke, Renée Van den Brande, Joste Dewaele youngsters
LARF! & Inge Goddijn
coaching youngsters
with special thanks to: Ruth Christiaens logistical support during filming


with the support of Beside Tax Shelter and the Belgian Tax Shelter

Ik ben iemand die 16 is
Ik ben iemand die veel droomt
Ik ben iemand die houdt van avontuur
Ik ben iemand die zonder sokken slaapt
Ik ben iemand die twijfelt
Ik ben iemand die veel nadenkt
Ik ben iemand die soms nood heeft aan alleen zijn
Ik ben iemand die nieuwsgierig is naar wat de toekomst brengt
Ik ben iemand die zich geen zorgen maakt over de toekomst
Ik ben iemand die niet bang is voor de toekomst
Ik ben iemand die het haat als mensen te veel druk leggen op mijn toekomst
Ik ben iemand die vragen heeft over mijn toekomst


César, Damiaan, Fran, Joste, Maya & Renée

discover more

programme notes

Immerse yourself in the music with the programme notes by Jasper Croonen.


in dialogue

In What We Trust explores the beliefs and values of today's youth: what do they still believe in nowadays? - we had a conversation about it with Maud Vanhauwaert.

read: the voices of today

film picks

What do young people still believe in today? How do they approach life, what gives them direction and stability? This theme is also eagerly explored in coming-of-age cinema. Discover some fascinating stories about the quest for meaning in the film selection curated by film journalist Robin Broos.

discover the film picks


In What We Trust is a brand-new production - we discussed it with a few members from the collective LARF!

read interview


€26> €13

't Zand 34, 8000 Brugge

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